Seizure is the effect of Epilepsy due to brain disorder in which clusters of nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain sometimes signal abnormally.

Partial seizures start in one part of the brain. The electrical disturbances may then move to other parts of the brain or they may stay in one area until the seizure is over. A person having a partial seizure may lose consciousness. There may be twitching of a finger or several fingers, a hand or arm, or a leg or foot. Certain facial muscles might twitch. Speech might become slurred, unclear, or unusual during the seizure. The person's vision might be affected temporarily. He or she might feel tingling throughout one side of the body. It all depends on where in the brain the abnormal electrical activity is taking place.
Most seizures last only a few seconds or minutes. After a seizure is over, the person might feel sleepy or confused for a few minutes or even an hour or more. People who've had seizures may not remember the seizure or what happened immediately before the event. They may be alert and ready to resume whatever they were doing before the seizure happened. It varies from person to person.
Qigong has been proven to help control this disease. This ancient healing practice is taught differently all around the world, but the basic fundamentals always remain the same and have been practiced for thousands of years among many different cultures.

First, lets get to know our brain. The first is that the brain works on electricity. Normally, the brain continuously generates tiny electrical impulses in an orderly pattern. These impulses travel along the network of nerve cells, called neurons, in the brain and throughout the whole body via chemical messengers called neurotransmit.
Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the brain. These substances are released at the end of the cell and cross the synapse, a tiny space between the walls of one cell's axon and the dendrite of the next nerve cell, to bind to receptors located on that dendrite.
There are many kinds of neurotransmitters, but each individual nerve cell produces only one major type. Some of the neurotransmitters are carried a long distance within the nervous system. Others, however, have local effects; that is, they are produced by and released onto cells that are close to each other.
Neurotransmitters are important in diseases of the nervous system. In Parkinson's disease, for example, cells that manufacture dopamine, an important neurotransmitter that regulates movement, are lost. Loss of nerve cells may contribute to the development of epilepsy in some cases. For example, prolonged lack of oxygen may cause a selective loss of cells in the hippocampus, which may lead to epilepsy.
Some of the major neurotransmitters in the brain shut off or decrease brain electrical activity. They cause nerve cells to stop firing. These neurotransmitters are called "inhibitory" because they inhibit
the activity of the cells. A neurotransmitter called GABA is the best-known example of this type.
Other neurotransmitters stimulate or increase brain electrical activity. That is, they cause nerve cells to fire. These are described as "excitatory." Glutamate is an example of this type.
According to one theory, epilepsy is caused by an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. If the inhibitory neurotransmitters in your brain are not active enough, or if the excitatory ones are too active, you are more likely to have seizures.
Many of the new medicines being developed to treat epilepsy try to influence these neurotransmitters. They try to increase the activity of the inhibitory ones, which turn cells off, or reduce the activity of the excitatory ones, which turn cells on. Either way, the idea is to have less uncontrolled electrical activity in your brain, and therefore fewer seizu
res.ters. A seizure occurs when the brain's nerve cells misfire and generate a sudden, uncontrolled surge of electrical activity in the brain.
There are many kinds of neurotransmitters, but each individual nerve cell produces only one major type. Some of the neurotransmitters are carried a long distance within the nervous system. Others, however, have local effects; that is, they are produced by and released onto cells that are close to each other.
Neurotransmitters are important in diseases of the nervous system. In Parkinson's disease, for example, cells that manufacture dopamine, an important neurotransmitter that regulates movement, are lost. Loss of nerve cells may contribute to the development of epilepsy in some cases. For example, prolonged lack of oxygen may cause a selective loss of cells in the hippocampus, which may lead to epilepsy.
Some of the major neurotransmitters in the brain shut off or decrease brain electrical activity. They cause nerve cells to stop firing. These neurotransmitters are called "inhibitory" because they inhibit

Other neurotransmitters stimulate or increase brain electrical activity. That is, they cause nerve cells to fire. These are described as "excitatory." Glutamate is an example of this type.
According to one theory, epilepsy is caused by an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. If the inhibitory neurotransmitters in your brain are not active enough, or if the excitatory ones are too active, you are more likely to have seizures.
Many of the new medicines being developed to treat epilepsy try to influence these neurotransmitters. They try to increase the activity of the inhibitory ones, which turn cells off, or reduce the activity of the excitatory ones, which turn cells on. Either way, the idea is to have less uncontrolled electrical activity in your brain, and therefore fewer seizu

Partial seizures start in one part of the brain. The electrical disturbances may then move to other parts of the brain or they may stay in one area until the seizure is over. A person having a partial seizure may lose consciousness. There may be twitching of a finger or several fingers, a hand or arm, or a leg or foot. Certain facial muscles might twitch. Speech might become slurred, unclear, or unusual during the seizure. The person's vision might be affected temporarily. He or she might feel tingling throughout one side of the body. It all depends on where in the brain the abnormal electrical activity is taking place.
Generalized seizures involve electrical disturbances that occur all over the brain at the same time. The person may appear to be daydreaming, may stare off into space, or may pass out. The muscles may stiffen and the person might make sudden jerking motions, such as flinging the arms outward. He or she may suddenly go limp and slump down or fall over.

Qigong has been proven to help control this disease. This ancient healing practice is taught differently all around the world, but the basic fundamentals always remain the same and have been practiced for thousands of years among many different cultures.
1. Stand with your feet spread about shoulder-width apart. In Qigong, preparation is traditionally done with the person's back towards the sun. Position your feet facing towards each other and slightly bend your knees.
2. Take a few deep breaths. Instead of allowing your chest to rise, transfer this motion to your stomach. This aims the energy you are using to the "center" of your body.
3. Speak your affirmation. This can be traditional or anything that works for you. The affirmation is a spoken phrase that tells yourself and the universe that you are united with it. You can speak it aloud or think it, though speaking aloud is recommended. Repeat this step.
4. Move one hand up to your chest and the other lower toward your stomach or the "center." Exchange hand positions often. By doing this, you are "mixing" the energies from your chest and naval. The movement should be a continuous action with no pauses. All the while, keep repeating the affirmation.
5. Visualize the energy flowing within your body--up and down your arms, legs and chest. This can be seen as any colored light or thin ropes. Picture it coming from your hands and moving up and down your body. Repeat the affirmation. The routine should last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.
5. Visualize the energy flowing within your body--up and down your arms, legs and chest. This can be seen as any colored light or thin ropes. Picture it coming from your hands and moving up and down your body. Repeat the affirmation. The routine should last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.
Please refer to my previous article for the afirmation. Do this Qigong each day as part of your epilepsy treatment.
Hi Kurt:
A neutral standing posture usually has the feet parallel, not facing towards each other. However, the toes can go slightly inward, to one's comfort level, to help open up the lower back.
It is inspiring that you practice qigong for epilepsy. I would like to know more about your practice or anyone else who practices qigong for this condition.
Also, if you have time, check out my recent blogspot entry on qigonghealing. It concludes my series on principles of qigong and T'ai Chi. And please join my blog.
Randy M. (Qigong Healing)
This information will help those inflicted/afflicted with epilepsy, my son is permanently cured. Check out this blog to learn more the herbal product,
At the age of 18 I had my first seizure. I was in high school and didn't want anyone to know that I had epilepsy. I had seizures on two occasions. I was so ashamed and didn't want people to think that something was wrong with me. I finally got to the point where I told people that I had epilepsy. I came to the place that I realized that I had to own my epilepsy or it would control me. Epilepsy hadn't really affected my life until about 9 years ago after my first child was born... I am a wife and mother of two beautiful children. I have lived with epilepsy for 20 years Yet, my life has been dramatically impacted by epilepsy. I had search for cure online without no hope. I met a Man called DR Lewis hill, i contact him I made an order of his medicine and I do not experience seizure anymore i was cured form it. So if you are in the same situation as mine contact him on this email or call him +1(323)244-4884
ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.
my son have been a patient of epilepsy . I had tried a lot of anti viral med prescribed to me by doctors over how many years now but I could not see any improvements in my son symptoms. One day when going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people from epilepsy,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for my son which i received and he used it as instructed by dr williams. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. the sleepiness and the abnormal behavior stooped ,on thing now he is so full of life. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from can contact him through his email on advice and for his product THANKS TO YOU ONCE AGAIN DR WILLIAMS
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Dr Williams for everything he have done in my life. I have been in tears for so many years now, having found that my only son is suffering from seizure, lesion after some years of being under extreme stress., . I spent 24 hours freaking out and finally calmed down after reading some testimony on here about Dr Williams herbal medicine to seizure. The moment came and I mumbled out to my husband about Dr Williams product (with a few tears) and he was AMAZE – . He was just worried about our son been free from this disorder that was how will order for Dr Williams product on line , after my son finish taking Dr Williams medicine for just within a period of one month. Will went to the doc together who confirmed that he was seizure free.
Thank you again for being upfront, truthful and taking this pain away from my family for more information about his product you can email him on i hope you can also help other terrified people in a similar situation.
I recently have some difficult conversations and I did what a lot of people do when they want to know how to do something. I googled it. I came across Dr Williams herbal medicine on YouTube so many people thanking him about his good work. I also have epilepsy. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my epilepsy status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Williams for everything he have done for my family ,after taking Dr Williams medicine i was completely free from epilepsy within one month of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on for help
Thanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, my wife have been suffering from epilepsy for so many years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to get my wife out of this , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after she took his medication as instructed, my wife is now completely cure from epilepsy within one month of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my wife life back again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have someone with epilepsy you can email him on for more information .
my son have been a patient of epilepsy . I had tried a lot of anti viral med prescribed to me by doctors over how many years now but I could not see any improvements in my son symptoms. One day when going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people from epilepsy,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for my son which i received and he used it as instructed by dr williams. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. the sleepiness and the abnormal behavior stooped ,on thing now he is so full of life. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from can contact him through his email on advice and for his product THANKS TO YOU ONCE AGAIN DR WILLIAMS
Am One of the happiest woman on earth since my son was cured from the problem of seizure,which he has been having for eight years now,he do have the attack two to three times a week,which is affecting is education and his life.i got the contact of a doctor from the post of one Mr paul thanking him for curing his seizure problem,i got the contact and contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is a permanent cure, and that was how i got the medication which i used on my son,and for six month now there have been no sign of seizure in him again.any one with such problem can contact him on his email
NATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE: My son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage, Our son's seizure always occur twice in a week according to EEG results. We had used several medicine which include: 600 Epitol 100 Zarontin,
150 Epitec X2 Daily, Topomax lasted for about 3 days, but I put an end to that due to my son losing weight and being lethargic. I recently got dr williams herbal medicine,that's a natural medicine that cure my son Epilepsy with no side effect. It is an herbal medicine. it is a permanent cure and effective treatment of Epilepsy, for more info, you can also contact Dr.William through this email for advice and his product
I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic epilepsy ,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible illness ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how his son was been cured from epilepsy through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 4 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of epilepsy within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign of seizure.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
I did what a lot of people do when they want to know more about something. I googled it. I came across Dr ITUA herbal medicine on YouTube so many people thanking him about his good work. My son was epilepsy patent. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my son epilepsy status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Itua for everything he have done for my Son ,after my son taking Dr Itua Herbal medicine my son was completely free from epilepsy within 2 weeks of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on Or WhatsApp Number..+2348149277967 for help also if you are suffering from the list of disease below...Herpes Virus,Epilepsy,Genital Wart,Autism,Cold Sore,Hiv/Aids,Infertility(Finding it difficult to conceive) Or Man Infertility,
Hello my son is 8 years old and had is first seizure at 2 years he was diagnosed with generalized epilepsy at 5 years old has been on medication since until doctor got him off and on he broke out on a seizure lasting almost 10 minutes he was put back on medication and the meds even increased ever since were back to his moody ness, tantrums, waking up every morning struggling and at night when asleep his body is constantly twitching mostly from his upper body, he had another big seizure and were still at it with all these moods. we tried different meds nothing was really working. I never stopped battling it, I’m open and supportive when looking at alternative and procedures. I saw someone comment on a website. Her daughter had seizure and she used a herbal medicine for her daughter seizure and she was seizure free. I’m glad that it was possible. I was ready to try anything that we help my son, i had a conversation with the Dr . I decided try the herbal medicine, I purchased the medicine. my son started taking the medicine. I was shocked to see my son improve, he stop having seizures. his more active and no more seizure. I’m so happy to see my son seizure free. Do as much google research as you can and do not give up on trying. If there is improvement continue, if there is no improvement stop and try something else Everyone is different. thank God my son is seizure free. you can email him on
My son was diagnosed with a rare form absence status epilepsy. His seizures show no symptoms until the seizure has lasted for hours! The only warning we had was he started acting only tired at first then gradually he started acting confused and from there for 24 hours he didn't know what year it was, where he went to school, or even what grade he was in etc. his motors skills were perfect and he talked to everyone normal the entire time, he just couldn't answer certain questions. The hospital kept him overnight and gave him fluids and in 24 hours he slowly started remembering and they said he was good and sent us home. We know now that he was having a constant seizure the ENTIRE TIME of his confusion! Almost 3 months later he begins having the same symptoms when I woke him up for his 2nd day of school. we are sent for an EEG, which revealed at 10 am he was actually having what the neurologist referred to as the worst EEG he had seen) we then were sent to a different children's hospital where they observed him until 8:00pm, all this time my son passes every test, he is talking and his motor skills are completely normal! They finally begin his EEG around 9:00pm. It reveals he is still in seizure! They are blown away. Say they have never seen an absence case like his and they quickly gave him a big dose of adavan which immediately stops the seizure and he is able to regain his memory immediately. Does anyone have a child who has these same symptoms? His neuro doctor ordered a brain glucose test, but when we went for a follow up last week they said the test had been canceled and they had no idea what happened? When I asked if they were going to draw his blood and re do the test, they said that his medicine was controlling the seizures so far so they didn't feel the need to do the test! I need advice and some direction. I searched further; visited epilepsy websites, blogs. I find info about someone having the same symptoms. I was really determined. Fortunately for me, I stumbled on a testimony of someone who had epilepsy for several years and was cured through herbal medication. I read awesome stories of people whose condition were worse . But due to numerous testimonies. I was more than willing to try it. I contacted the doctor Gabriel, and my son used the Nectar herbs. It became a miracle for my son free from rare form absence status epilepsy within 3 months. The Nectar medicine worked without any trace of side effects on my son. totally cure. I decided to share my son story to tell people out there, that there is a hope for those with epilepsy using nectar medicine and anyone who suffers from seizures can be cured. Email
Very Informative content on Epilepsy Thank you for the article!
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It's fascinating to see how different practices like Qigong can aid in managing conditions such as epilepsy. Many people with complex conditions often require high intensity care through the NDIS in Australia, and finding alternative methods like this could be a helpful addition to their care plan. Everyone's experience with seizures is so unique, so it's great to explore ways that might support both physical and mental well-being.
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